
Rehabilitation Dentistry


Drs. Ma and Dolbik have years of experience when it comes to helping patients restore their teeth and return to a place of healthy teeth and gums. Multiple procedures are often involved to achieve the optimum health, including extractions, crowns, veneers, bridges, implants, dentures and periodontal care. The doctors work with each patient to create the care plan, suggesting a timeline for various treatments.

As residents of The Dominion, Drs. Ruiwen Ma and Aliaksandr Dolbik founded Dominion Smiles to care for patients in their beloved hometown. Armed with the latest equipment, including a laser, and years of training and expertise—they act in concert to offer advanced, minimally invasive treatment plans dedicated to transforming patients’ dazzling smiles and enhancing and preserving their oral health to last a lifetime. Beyond general and cosmetic dentistry, they perform many specialized services that an endodontist or oral surgeon would, such as wisdom teeth removal and root canals.

 LANAP®and  Gum Disease Treatment and Periodontal Care

Gum disease is progressive and harmful; the acidic secretion released by infected gums erodes the teeth and bone. FDA-approved LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) combats periodontal disease by vaporizing the infected pockets without damaging the connective tissue. The laser stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

What Are The Benefits Of Lanap?

This minimally invasive alternative to gum surgery incurs shorter recovery time, less pain, fewer complications, and can also be applied to early stage or late-stage disease. There are no knives, stiches, sutures or bone removal involved.

Dental Root Canals Procedure

This procedures addresses inflamed or infected pulp and nerve on the inside the root of a tooth. The dentist removes the infected tissue, then cleans and seals the tooth, restoring it to its original function.

Dental  Dentures Procedures

The doctors work with traditional dentures as well as the all-on-4 procedure, in which four implants on top and bottom stabilize a fixed denture for the optimal performance, the most like your real teeth.

Dental Surgical Implants

To replace teeth, a surgical implant made of titanium fuses with the jawbone to attach the new tooth. They restore the appearance of the smile, as well as chewing cability and support structure of the mouth.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

While every situation is unique, generally speaking, anyone in good physical health, with enough bone density in the jaw, is an excellent candidate for dental implants.

Dental  Extraction Procedures

While the doctors seek to save a natural tooth whenever possible, if one becomes damaged or decayed beyond repair, it should be removed from its socket through extraction. This improves a patient’s overall oral health by lessening the chance of harmful bacteria growth. And oftentimes otherwise healthy teeth need to be removed in cases of crowding, as part of a smile restoration plan.

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